Wednesday, September 18, 2013

2x4 Birthday

Happy Birthday to...Reece & Garrett!
In July we celebrated a 2 x 4 Birthday. Garrett requested a Fire Truck Birthday, and Reece loves trains, so we incorporated both into a fun-tastic event at the El Dorado Train Depot!
Grandma Jackson & Nana Kae made the fire truck cake
(they make a pretty good cake-making duo!)
Reece celebrated with Thomas the Train cupcakes, and I didn't know if we'd have enough cake, so I added the "Dalmatian" cupcakes.
Considering the literally thousands of pictures I take of the boys, I find it hard to believe that this is one of the only pictures I got of the boys together facing the camera! 

A close-up of Reece's "2" cake.

Garrett & his fire truck cake!

Carsen & his mama & daddy joined in on the festivities. The kids were able to decorate their own party hat with stickers...Carsen left his on for about 0.5 seconds before he'd had enough. Ha! But he LOVED the balloons!!

Check out these sweet party guests! Miss Stella & Miss Shae joined the party too!

Let the Present-Opening Commence!


Carsen had as much fun as the boys when it came time to open presents! Love this little guy!

In the midst of present-opening, there was a knock at the door...2 fire fighters from the El Dorado Fire Department stopped by to offer the boys a ride on their truck! Surprisingly, Garrett turned into a shy boy and almost wouldn't go with them!

Garrett & Daddy getting seat-belted into the truck! 

Away they GO!
It was raining fairly steady throughout the day, so there wasn't an opportunity to explore the fire trucks....but the boys still had fun riding around the block.
(I think Dad had just as much fun as the boys!)

Time for Cake!

And frosting too!

On Reece's actual birthday, we celebrated at our apartment, surrounded by packing boxes! He wore his TWO! shirt with pride!

A few days before Garrett's birthday we celebrated at the Benton Airport restaurant - which is a favorite of the boys. Both Grandma's, Uncle Billy, Aunt Donna & Cousin Jeremy joined us for dinner on the outside patio. We got to see quite a few planes take off and land! On our way out the door we saw a small plane land near us & Uncle Billy asked the pilot if we could have our picture taken in front of his plane. He not only let us stand on the side - he also let the boys get inside the plane, turned on the lights, and provided the perfect photo op!

As you can see in his smile...Garrett LOVED it! I guess we can add Pilot to Garrett's list of future professions!

One of Garrett's favorite gifts: an official FDNY tee! He found it matches Dad's hat perfect!

What do you do with leftover party hats??...

Garrett wore his I Am 4! Tee to daycare on his actual birthday.

Another favorite gift for both boys: a wooden train set with LOTS of wooden rails, magnetic railroad cars, and a 2-story station. (Gotta love consignment stores!)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Summer Time 2013's been a while since I last posted. I could insert a thousand excuses here, but I'd rather just get to what you really come to my blog to see: The Boys!
Following are some fun pictures from our summer. Enjoy!

This Summer We...
...ran through the sprinklers...

...played in water puddles in our yard...

...sat on the front porch and waved "bye" to many family members & friends...

...chased bubbles in the front yard...

...enjoyed family time at the lake...
...and enjoyed playing with cousins we see a few times/year...

...we tested our limits...

...and tested them some more...

...more water play...

...a little baseball...
...played with the hose...

...relaxed on the water...

...boat time with dad...

...and mom (note to self: Reece needs a bigger life vest)...

...did a little cruisin'...

...took hold of the wheel...

...and some tubin'...

...gave Uncle Billy a workout in the process...

...enjoyed a lot of brotherly-love...

...and kept on rolling through the days of summer!